How To Split Large Files Into Smaller Pieces

In order to send files over email, they must be smaller than the smallest file limit on all the mail servers through which the email might pass. Generally, a good safe maximum file size for transmission by email is 7MB.

There is a way to chop large files into several smaller pieces so that they can be sent over email. To do this, we are first going to determine whether we need to reduce the size of a file by looking at how big it is.


  1. Navigate to where your file is stored.


  2. Right click and select Properties from the menu.


  3. Read the file size in the properties window. If the file is smaller than or equal to 7MB, go ahead and email it as an attachment.

    If the file is larger than 7MB, we are going to need to compress it and possibly chop it up into smaller pieces.


  4. From this point forward, we are going to use a utility called 7Zip. If you don't have it installed, read this article.

  5. Locate the file that you would like to send and Right Click it.

  6. Navigate on the menu to 7Zip, and click Add to Archive.


  7. Set the file size to 7MB and click OK. Let 7Zip split your file into smaller pieces. The first piece will have the original file name with ".zip" at the end, and all the additional pieces will have a number added to the end of the file name.


  8. Navigate to where the files are and individually attach and send each piece in  separate emails.


  9. The receiving party will need to recombine the pieces. For notes on how to do that,  please refer them to this article. You could include a link to this article in the email you send them.


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